Monday, September 29, 2008

Coyote Run Ranch Before and After

As you can see I have been playing around with a new feature on my computer.
The pictures on the left are of the old house and barn that were on the land when
we bought it. We pushed the old house in and burned it, but my clever husband
was able to salvage the barn. It was one of those to good to tear down, but not
quite what I was willing to house my horses in, things. So he took off the worse
part,squared it up and add some support beams and post, new stalls and roof for
the horses and saved what I think is a really neat old barn that was 50 years old.
I really love this place, and am enjoying everything about it. Even the brush
clearing and burning! I'm including a picture of the entry sign that Tony made
for me. We get a lot of comments on it and it is really easy for folks to find us.
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Friday, September 26, 2008


Yesterday was my little sisters birthday.
I can remember the day Mom and Dad
brought her home. I was so excited, because I had been an only child until then. She was the prettiest baby, porcelain skin, lots of red curls, and big blue eyes. All my friends were only kids or youngest of the family, so she instantly had about a half dozen big sisters and brothers. Mom bringing me back to school from lunch at home became a big event, everyone had to see "their baby". She went everywhere with us, at least until she started talking well enough to repeat some of the things we said! I was in the band, she became the mascot, and stole the show every time we marched. She's all grown up now with kids of her own and works counselling kids at school. I'm still proud of my "little sister" and love her very much. Happy Birthday sis, one day late!