Sunday, August 30, 2009

Baseball and more baseball-----

Josh on the mound in his first start this year----we won
Josh got to start his first JH game, for a 7th grader to start pitching in the 8th grade game is a BIG deal. He was so happy and we of course were very proud of him.
He did well and with some defensive help got the side out for two innings. Rachel as well as the coach is keeping a sharp eye on grades, they are missing a lot of class and can't have any of the boys not making good grades, we have no pass no play here too!
We've had a cool spell this week and it has been wonderful, but makes me long for fall. I love fall it is my favorite time of the year. There is just so much you can finally get out and do.
I think Tony is finally satisfied that my mustang is road worthy, and I'm planning on taking it out this week. Looking forward to getting it out and seeing just how it will go. It looks pretty, Tony says I need to find a parade to drive it in. Maybe a Silo JH Baseball team Christmas car? Who knows, I'm just glad it's done and I can take it for a run.

Friday, August 21, 2009


Josh has begun his junior high baseball career, he got to close the first game of the season AND finish out the first game of their first tournament. He was the only 7th grader to get to pitch in a game so far. He did really well and of course we were very proud of him. The Rebels will be playing about 30 games this fall, in addition he'll be playing fall ball for the Durant League on the White Sox team. We will be getting a lot of baseball in. Good thing we have comfortable chairs. It's just about to kill his Mom, a lot of the games are early afternoon and she can't get off work, we just have to keep texting updates and answering calls!

Tony has finished my Mustang, I'm waiting on a spare tire then I can take her out for a spin. Painted her candy apple red, with back interior, and she is lovely. Can't wait to get to get her out on the road.