Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Baseball Season is ON!

Baseball is here, Josh had a scrimmage game last Sat. his team won two games and lost another by one point. So it looks like they are ready for season play. We'll be going to a lot of games again this year. He'll be pitching, playing 2nd and 3rd base. We've GOT to get some comfortable chairs, we were at the ball field from
10am til 7pm. Thank goodness for the Home Base, our old RV we could at least go in an get a sandwich and get out of the wind every once in a while.
I don't really have any news just wanted to say hello and let Kris know that I've enjoyed seeing Savannah's pics on her blog. It's turned winter here, I thought we were in for a early summer for a while. Maybe we will have a spring after all. My gelding Mickey doesn't know if he should shed or not, and we had to split more wood after I had gotten the pile all down to a manageable size. Rachel said one of her horses, cut her eye on the feed bucket, so they were at the vets office til late last night, mare will be ok and they are replacing all buckets with rubber tubs! I miss having all my horses, I'm down to one now, but there are advantages, less vet time is one of those. With all the foals in the pastures, I'm getting the fever, just like every spring. I just keep telling myself, they only stay small for a few months!

1 comment:

kdwhorses said...

He has gotton so big! IT's that time of year, baseball!

I got a video posted of her showing a friend's goat at the sale on Saturday. She showed him Friday, but that video is about 12 minutes long, got to figure out how to only post a short segment. I can't believe I figured out how to post it!

Had to take Roo to the vet on emergency yesterday morning, he was down. He had a slight impaction, caught it early. So have been on horse watch since then. He is pooping, ate well this morning and has gut sounds! Woo hoo! I surely didn't need that scare! Of course HD was working!

Well better get somemore things done before I have to go and pick her up!